My second puzzle for The Cambridge Student in Lent term 2008.
1 Sop's icy, shy, unsettled and anal-retentive - this may cure him (14)
10 A succeeding love for Carmen (5)
11 A little knock comes back, clutching brief pains in southern parts (9)
12 Childish report of sweet little bit of skin (7)
13 Run-down little gite lent at a price in this act (7)
14 Concerning race, drop new moral code (5)
16 Plan you reportedly delayed which must be done if you want to accumulate (9)
19 Exceptionally private information about 19 down, perhaps (3-6)
20 Before evening, belabour extremely long note (5)
22 Someone else initially claims empty sunbathing spots (7)
25 Mother might hear what's spread controversially (7)
27 Quentin Blake's heart lies in art, not in silliness (9)
28 Muscular pain comes back during half-step march (5)
29 Goatish sort rewrote Homer's one with book about fake steed in two parts (9,5)
2 One little change makes child's paradise into place of exploitation (9)
3 Audibly attempt drunken revelry (5)
4 Persecutor holds media in poor arrangement (9)
5 Brazilian city of birth (5)
6 Frivolous Lily's down-to-earth bud shows one's seldom incandescent these days (9)
7 Awful beginning - I contravene one of the Commandments atop the place they were given (5)
8 Sequin makes a pan gleam inside (7)
9 Cry of pain in Hamlet's upcoming end - "A hit!" (6)
15 A gradual increase of selfishness initially comes between two college heads, getting extreme love afterwards (9)
17 Former contract-worker takes mineral off the top of one's head (9)
18 Yanks Caine's arm roughly (9)
19 T's sleeveless garment (4,3)
21 Risen from strange experiments immune (6)
23 Go to bed missing north Italian city (5)
24 Twisted, brief fiction's one of Asimov's (3-2)
26 Parson stops short of right page (5)
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